Ibukun supports Nex Rubica Capital with the execution of its Global Capital Markets strategy in Europe, Middle East and Africa. He spends a majority of his time working with companies, international advisors and regulators interested in raising capital from liquidity venues in the United Kingdom, Europe, Noth America and Asia.
He was previously a Director at the London Stock Exchange where he was responsible for business development in South Asia, the Middle East and Africa. In this capacity he oversaw capital raising programs / IPOs for over 60 companies across the regions as well as being the Exchange’s regional contact for companies that have listed on the Main Market, AIM, Professional Securities Market, and Specialist Fund Market.
Educated in Bath, United Kingdom, Ibukun holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics and started his career as a Foreign Exchange trader for NatWest Markets in London in 1995 He went on to set up and run a successful business specialising in managing foreign exchange risk for African and Asian companies exposed to currency fluctuations.