Structured Financing
By obtaining the undivided attention of our global thought leaders
Structured Financing
You gain access to our bespoke solutions designed to deliver efficiencies, transparency and help mitigate risk -whether you're entering new markets or reacting to the systemic events by adopting new strategies
Structured Financing
Turbulent markets hold lots of opportunities.The trick is avoiding the obstacles.
We provide flexible and bespoke investment solutions and instruments to our clients, maintaining a proactive approach through our targeted multi style strategy. Turning global perspective into precise FX solutions- to help u stay ahead of the competition we offer you global perspective and insight into currency solutions that mitigates volatility.

Capital Raising

Debt Investments

With decades of loan and debt financing experience behind the senior team at Nex Rubica Capital, we provide clients access to a network of international and local commercial banksdebt funds and development finance institutions with appetite for Africa deals.

Our team builds on its activities and relationships in the international and local lending markets to provide a timely solution to clients. For a client looking to raise debt, we understand negotiating with lenders can be daunting, so our capacity to access dollar and foreign currency capital with the ever-changing Africa risk map is of immense value.

Equity Investments

At Nex Rubica Capital, we utilise our knowledge of the private equity landscape with developers, private equity funds, and equity markets garnered from decades of both on the ground assessment and a global investor reach in North America, Europe and the Middle East.

We provide a dedicated first rate service to existing clients that subsequently require co-investorsequity capital or developers into project structures. Where appropriate assisting to facilitate investment road shows in LondonSingapore, Johannesburg, New York.

Our other capital raising activities come through our Securitisation program is a way we raise funds by selling receivables, which are then turned into asset–backed loan and securities. This method of financing brings various benefits to our clients – such as diversification of funding sources and improvement of cash flow.

For capital raising, we optimizing the capital structure in order to generate returns that meet the Investor’s hurdle rate:                

Clients: Private Investors, Family Offices, African Champions, Developers, State Owned Enterprises, Municipalities, African Governments, Private Equity funds.

Structured Products

Global Listings

With a track record in creating over the counter (OTC) and  listed financial instruments, we have over 30 years of direct experience developing and trading these instruments across these liquidity venues: Frankfurt Stock Exchange; London Stock Exchange; Dublin Stock Exchange; Cairo Stock Exchange; Johannesburg Stocke Exchange; New York Stock Exchange.

Staring in 2005 with our own Africa Index Fund range (NR Top 40) gathering US$500 million across Nigeria, Mauritius, Egypt, Morocco and Kenya.  Our Africa Index Fund range also led to our filing and listing of the 1st Africa Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) / basket on the NYSE in 2008


We develop alternative investment solutions that measures risk, mitigate and transfer risk exposures faced by investors in equity or debt placements. With our global, multi-asset class portfolio capabilities we have access to global securities traded in Europe, Asia and North America. Managing USD, GBP, EUR assets through our Global Custodians.

We give Investors access to: